On Feb 12th the Dekalb County AHCL Council hosted an Awards Day at the United Methodist Church of Geraldine. Linda O'Shields of the Ider Club was named "Woman of the Year". Carolyn Cox of the Ider club was given the "Presidents Appreciation Award" for her outstanding service.
Awards were given based on the club's adherence to the "Program of Work" for 2008.In the category of Citizenship & Outreach, First Place-Portersville, Second Place-Geraldine,Third place-Lookout Mtn, Fourth Place-Crossville, Fifth Place-Tenbroeck, Sixth Place-Ider. In Family, Geraldine-First Place, Portersville-Second Place, a tie for Third Place Crossville & Lookout Mtn, Fourth Place-Tenbroeck, Fifth Place-Ider. In Environment, Geraldine-First Place, Crossville-Second Place, a tie for Third Place-Portersville and Lookout Mtn, Fourth Place-Tenbroeck, Fifth Place-Ider. In Health, a tie for First Place with Geraldine & Portersville, Second Place Lookout Mtn, Third Place-Crossville, fourth Place-Ider, Fifth Place-Tenbroeck. In Homemaking Skills, First Place-Geraldine, Second Place-Portersville, Third Place-Ider, Fourth Place-Crossville, Fifth Place-Tenbroeck, Sixth Place-Lookout Mtn. In Marketing, First Place-Geraldine, Second Place-Portersville, Third Place-Tenbroeck, Fourth Place-Crossville, Fifth Place-Ider, Sixth Place-Lookout Mtn. Scrapbook Technique(most attractive) First Place-Portersville, Second Place-Crossville, third Place-Ider, Fourth Place-Tenbroeck, Fifth Place-Lookout Mtn, Sixth Place-Geraldine. Scrapbook(documentation of club programs and projects) at tie for First Place with Lookout Mtn and Portersville, Second Place-Crossville, Third Place-Geraldine, a tie for Fourth Place with Ider and Tenbroeck.
Labels: Dekalb County AHCL Council hosts Awards Day