The Annual Dogtown Firefighters Dinner will March 18, at Ruhama Elementary Cafeteria, from 11:00 a.m. until ? p.m. Lookout Mountain Homemakers will be baking desserts for the meal. Meals will be $6.00 per plate and includes meal, dessert and drink. All proceeds will go to the Dogtown Volunteer Fire Department. Eat in or carry out will be available.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Woman of the Year nominee from Lookout Mountain Homemakers, for 2012, was Mrs. Phyllis Reagan. Being an active member for 29 years, Mrs. Reagan enjoys spending time with family and friends. She can always be depended on to assist and participate in all our programs and projects.
Phyllis organizes our annual Silent Auction each year and without her it wouldn't run as smoothly. She is active in Ruhama Baptist Church where she has held many offices through the years and continues as an active choir member.
We would like to thank Phyllis for all she does and for representing Lookout Mountain Homemakers this year in the Woman of the Year.